
Hello, welcome to the official website of chongqing lianhao technology co., LTD.
Sales and service

Lianhao is cooperating with the customers as SAIC, Great Wall Automobile, JAC, Guangzhou Automobile,Geely Automobile, BYD Auto, ,Hefei Jee, Kuntye, Qingshan industry, Chengdu Fulin,Dena and GKN etc.

Chongqing lianhao technology co., LTD. Is a motor and accessories enterprises, is approved by the relevant departments of the state registered enterprises.




Address:No. 6, lai long road, fenghuanghu industrial park, yongchuan district, chongqing

Chongqing lianhao technology co., LTDICP 12345678Yao Yang science and technologyprovideThe website constructionandNetwork promotionTechnical support services
木兰县| 南投县| 安图县| 肇源县| 乐至县| 尉氏县| 绥滨县| 炉霍县| 美姑县| 靖安县| 蒲城县| 湖北省| 疏附县| 丹巴县| 肇源县| 绥芬河市| 福州市| 灵璧县| 翁牛特旗| 贵阳市| 南丹县| 靖安县| 双鸭山市| 会同县| 明水县| 池州市| 南京市| 曲周县| 彭泽县| 鹤壁市| 乌拉特后旗| 秦皇岛市| 都兰县| 广灵县| 兴仁县| 抚远县| 阳东县| 临沂市| 龙川县| 敦化市| 宁强县|